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We encourage you to check out what’s going on around CAC Harvest Mission!  There are lots of ways to get involved – in a casual way at first, and then more fully if you decide to make CAC Harvest Mission your church home.

Feel free to join us on Sunday mornings for worship. We’d also encourage you to see if there are any upcoming events that might be of interest to you. See our calendar for what’s coming up.

Then, if you feel you’d like to make Cornerstone your church home, we’d encourage you to become a 4-dimensional disciple of Christ!  Here’s what we mean…

We believe the Bible calls every disciple (or follower) of Christ to be involved in at least four things in the context of the local church: Worship God, study the Bible, serve in a ministry, and reach out to those who don’t know Christ – all in the context of the community of believers.  We call these elements our Dimensions of Discipleship.




Biblically,everything we do in Jesus’ name and for His glory is an act of worship.  But we believe every believer should gather with the local church on a regular basis for worship, instruction, prayer, and fellowship.

Regular involvement in Sunday worship is a foundational element of discipleship.  So, you can be involved by joining us every Sunday for worship!

We encourage all our regular attenders to become members of CAC Harvest Mission. 


We place a high priority on carefully studying the Word of God, both individually and in small groups, so we would grow in our knowledge of God, His will for us, and in spiritual maturity.

Involvement in a Small Group Bible study is a vital means of spiritual growth and support.

So we strongly encourage you to sign up for a weekly small group Bible study.  Groups meet in homes and at the church.  See our Growth Groups page for more information.


God has gifted every believer in Jesus Christ with at least one spiritual gift.  He has also given us a great variety of skills, talents, and abilities. These gifts and abilities are to be used for God’s glory and purposes, especially to serve one another in the church.

We encourage every member to serve in at least one ministry offered by the church.

Go to our Contact Us page and let us know you’d like to get involved by serving in a ministry and we’ll connect you to our Ministry Placement Coordinator.


God calls every Christian to be ready to share the life-transform- ing message of the gospel with those who don’t yet know Jesus Christ as their Saviour.

We encourage every member to look for opportunities for the gospel in every day conversations, to invite people to CAC Harvest Mission services and events, and to consider taking advantage of short-term missions’ opportunities.

Invite a friend to worship with you here at CAC Harvest Mission!  Also, check out our Missions page for the kinds of opportunities available for short-term missions!