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Prayer is simply a conversation between God and one or more of His people. We pray because God has commanded us to pray, and He promises to hear us. We pray in Jesus ' name because He presents our requests before His Father. Jesus even prayed for His disciples. In prayer we come before God in humility, realizing that we do not deserve anything we ask for, but also with confidence that He will, out of His love and grace, give to us exactly what we need, both physically and spiritually. In prayer we come before God as ones utterly dependent on Him. We admit our need by confessing our sins to Him. We thank and praise Him for who He is and what He has done for us. We present our special requests to Him. Prayer is an exercise of faith and hope in the God who promises to hear the cries of His people.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:6-7

It's so important that we pray! In Ephesians 3:20 Paul speaks about Jesus Christ who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that you can ask or even think - he's talking about the ability and power of God to answer prayer - finance, miracles of healing, everything! God will do more than you ask. The reason you are in trouble is that you don't ask for enough! How big is your God? God is as big as your faith. Stretch your faith, make it bigger! It's according to your faith!
God wants to give you victory in your life! God wants you to overcome the enemy! God's going to defeat the power of the enemy, defeat the power of the devil, every sickness, every financial problem, every difficulty - when you live according to His Word! In the Name of Jesus, we are the people of God! We are the army of God, the church of God! - Trust His Word and you will never be defeated! He will give you the victory!
God will do so much more than you ask; His power is without limit. Not only can He heal your sickness, He will mend your broken heart. When God heals you, you get a new life, it's like being born again; He will fill you with a new energy and vitality. I want you to call upon Him today.
Jesus healed all the sick. This fulfilled the word of the Lord through the prophet Isaiah, who said, "He took our sicknesses and removed our diseases". (Matthew 8:16)

Everyone can be healed; it is not the will of God that you should suffer with sickness and disease; God's plan for you is to be healthy and joyful, that is why the Bible says of Jesus, 'He was beaten so that we can have peace, and by His stripes we are healed'. We need to apply the same level of faith to our healing as we do to our salvation. In Matthew 8 it says of Jesus that 'He healed all who came to Him': if you will come to Him today through prayer, He will heal you of every symptom and disease. Our circumstances can be changed; the Word of God cannot fail! When Jesus speaks, the miracle will happen! Jesus has power and authority in your life, power to set you free, power to heal you of every sickness, power to resurrect dead circumstances. Only believe, and the miracle will happen.

Every time I need a miracle I fast and pray; I stay up late at night, get up early in the morning; I pray, and I pray, and I pray. And God answers prayer! When I pray I expect an answer. My God is different to any other god in the world, because my God is a prayer answering God! One passage was such an encouragement. In Jeremiah 33 God speaks to the prophet: at the time Jeremiah was locked in a prison - He wasn't sitting in luxury watching a televangelist, he was in a prison! - And God says, "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." Look, if you are in a 'prison', if you want a miracle in your life, begin to pray! Cry out to God. Pray without ceasing!
This verse in Jeremiah should encourage us to pray: not only does God promise to answer our prayers, but He promises that the answer will surprise us, that He will show us things unimaginable! If you need God to work a miracle which is far above what you can imagine, call upon Him, He'll answer you!
Put your hand on your sickness and say this prayer with me: I believe Jesus is alive and that God is my Father. You gave me a promise that when I call upon the Name of Jesus, and by the power of His Name, I shall be healed. In the Name of Jesus, I command every curse to be broken, I command every disease to come out of my body. In the Name of Jesus I receive my healing. Thank You Jesus, Amen.
You are invited to submit your prayer requests. Your requests will be forwarded to the prayer warriors, and they will contact you if necessary. Please indicate if your request is confidential. All requests not indicated as confidential will also be included in the Prayers of the Church during Sunday morning worship.

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